Dear Partners,
Greetings from Tanzania.
This communication is a continuation of a couple of travel advisories issued earlier by the Tanzania Minister of Health to guide everyone in containing the spread of COVID-19 in Tanzania.
COVID-19 update, current situation in the destination
Dar es Salaam, with a population of more than five million people, was the most affected area in the country, but by June 1st there were only four (4) COVID-19 patients in hospital according to the Minister of Health. Dar es Salaam is Tanzania's main port and commercial city.
Zanzibar was also affected, same with border cities like Tanga, Arusha, Bukoba, Mwanza, Mbeya, and Kigoma but the cases were very few. Most parts of Tanzania, especially the countryside and protected areas like game parks are virtually coronavirus-free but people are cautioned to continue taking preventive measures against the spread of the virus.
On 18th May 2020 the Tanzania Ministry of Health issued a travel advisory which lifted or ended the 14-day mandatory quarantine for travelers arriving into Tanzania and opened the destination to international travel and tourism. Zanzibar followed suit on 6th June 2020.